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"You were born together and together you shall be forevermore...
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."

Twins Update
1:34 a.m. & 2006-08-27

This is actually the first chance I have had to get on the computer and do anything really. I have been back to work for what will be three weeks now. It's not so bad, but I miss the twins something fierce!!! It was quite the adjustment after being home for 6 months. But I've gotten through it... not that I didn't kick, stomp and scream (just a little!) the whole way.

Things have been going so well. At the twins last weigh-in, two weeks ago or so- they weighed in at the 10 lb. mark. I about fell out of the chair when the nurse told me that! I was so proud and pleased to hear that! They've gone from being so tiny- into tiny cows! Their faces have the puffiest cheeks. In fact, Meadow looks like a chunky Cupie (sp?) doll. But she's fairly lengthy. Long legs that will one day give me panic attacks I'm sure. And Spence, he's a bit shorter and stockier. He's definitely rounder. One day, he will be quite the line backer I assure you.

As for personalities, they're definitely developing distinct and unique ones all their own. Their Grandma refers to Miss Meadow as a drama queen. I have dubbed her my Little Diva. She can be quite content in her bouncy chair one minute- but if she hears one of us enter the room and we don't give her any attention, she starts to fidget. If that doesn't work, her lower lip will jut out and start to quiver as she begins to make quieter fussing sounds. And if that fails her, she balls up her fists and lets out some deep belly wails and gets her whole body going in the mix. It's quite the process and a sight to behold. Nothing much holds her attention these days. And she is still a Daddy's girl in the most intense form. It's kind of obnoxious for Momma at times. But she is who she is and I love her for it!

Spencer is my silent observer. He is a Momma's boy, but in a much milder form. I have dubbed him my "silent observer." He almost never cries and in the rare circumstances that he does- it's usually because he has to wake us up for food. Spence likes to swing in his swing or sit in his bouncy chair and just sit quietly observing everything going on around him. He loves to watch the big screen TV and he will turn to look out the window when the sun is shining. He is quite content to just be. And he is the cuddle bug of the twins.

They've recently started hitting the fun and interactive stage! Their eyes now focus on things and people. They now respond to the voices familiar to them with happy sighs and smiles. They're starting to develop their own laughs now. And they're even starting to coo at us. It's all so heart warming and endearing. I love to just watch them interact with us and one another. I must admit, I am most definitely an emotional Momma! Every small progression leaves me weepy eyed and nostalgic.

Things have to say the least, been going quite well. The twins have fortunately stayed healthy. Have been growing at rapid speeds. And are such a joy to have! I am amazed at the wonders of being a parent. Especially to two such beautiful babies. I don't know how I got to be so lucky- but I thank God for my blessings on a regular basis.

Friday, the twins go in for their 2 month check up with their doctor. I took a vacation day from work as it is also their first round of shots and I wanted to be sure to be here for them. Actually, I don't know if I took the day for them or for me. Ha. Ha. I'm hoping to hear that they've put on even more weight!

They're still not sleeping through the night- but I have been lucky enough to go 4 to 5 hours on occasion before being yelled at for a feeding. I look forward to the nights when I get a good chunk of sleep in one solid block. Well, my body will thank them. The Momma in me though will miss waking up to cuddle and snuggle every few hours as Daddy sleeps through the mayhem. It is the only time where Momma gets them both all to herself.

So that's where we are these days! Growing, progressing and loving life. Even if it is in a sleep deprived state. LOL! We're wishing you all much happiness and joy in your lives! I promise to send more pics soon. But for now, the Diva commands my attention! She's wailing so loud I think she may wake the dead. I just wish she could hone her skills to wake her Daddy! He's still asleep and running late. LOL!



Yesterday's Diapers & Powder Fresh

birthday news and more - 2007-07-08
Happy Irish Day! - 2007-03-18
All is going well - 2007-02-23
Trying to stay sane - 2007-02-04
Merry Christmas - 2006-12-22