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"You were born together and together you shall be forevermore...
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."

First Entry
1:38 a.m. & 2006-08-27

Well, this is my first official entry. There is a previous one, however it was an e-mail update that I had recently mailed my friends and family. My Aunt Janis has been telling me that I needed to save those e-mails taht I have been sending for the twins to look at in the distant future. Well, being a former D'Land blogger, I thought I would come back and make a site just for the twins. And well, for me of course! I have indeed missed this place.

Let me first start by saying a hearty Thank You! to Ange for designing this site and making it look so fabulous thus far. I couldn't bear the thought of it being boring and/or bland but my coding skills leave something to be desired to say the least. So thanks, Ange! You truly rock, chica!


Well, I had prepared myself for a pretty adventurous or at least productive weekend. I took Friday as a vacation day from work because the twins had their two month check up and with that, were supposed to have recieved their first immunizations. But unfortunately, they have taken ill and had a worrisome fever. So their doctor decided to forgo the shots and instead will let their illness (A cold) run its course because the shots might've made things worse. So I have been having to feed the twins pedialyte bottles and monitoring their fevers. The fevers seemed to have broken, and Meadow gave me a slight scare as she wasn't peeing much at all. But after we gave her the pedialyte bottle- man, she was so soaked at the next changing that the diaper wouldn't hold any more pee. Gross! But happily, the twins seem to be doing better. So they'll get their shots in 2 weeks.

We went up to see Daddy at work Friday as there was a nice BBQ dinner provided by work. The twins were well loved and spoiled by so many people! Everyone told me I was going to have my hands full, but that's not quite the case since everyone is in love with them. If I have them out and about, I almost never even get to hold my own children. There are times when I can't wait to get home and have them all to myself again! LOL! But I take the breaks when I can get them. I'm no idiot. I think it lessens load in the long run. And I don't mind sharing... for a little while anyways.

Then, I took the twins to our friend Annette's house where we hung out for awhile and made copies of the pictures that got ruined by water. Annette is a genius when it comes to computer stuff. I am so computer illiterate. It amazes even me.

So Friday was all right, save for the twins being sick. But then, all went to pot shortly after that. I finally had my first period since the twins were born. I was so not looking forward to it, and I am now reminded what a blessing it was to have 36 weeks of heaven! I'm back to being a cranky, irritable, bitch with a terrible back ache. I just have been avoiding opening my mouth as much as possible so Shawn doesn't have the urge to choke me.

Then, I had plans to go to a local town festival today with my friend Lena and her son Hayden. However, the twins slept terribly last night. Probably the heat on top of being sick. And they had to sleep in their bouncy chairs as the doctor didn't want me laying them down last night due to their congestion. So I slept on the couch. So we slept in streaks and never for too awful long. So I slept far later into the day and was drained for energy. And to top that all off, it was raining something fierce today which made any outdoor activities for the day out of the question. So I called Lena and cancelled. Maybe we can get together tomorrow and have a BBQ or something. I'd like to have some sort of fun this weekend.

I tried to tackle some of the house work that needed to be done. I have been slacking a bit, but I have been so busy and then so tired. I still have quite a few projects that I want to tackle before the work week starts again on Monday. Maybe tomorrow... hopefully.

Shawn was testing out printing pictures on our new printer and we were both in awe at the change sin the twins. They don't look anything like they used to. Their tinyness and frailness is long gone and they are now chunky, swollen versions of hwat they used to be.

I am pleased to report that the doctor did have good news when we wree there on Friday. (I know, my mind is bouncing all over the place. That Mommy-Brain syndrome really) The twins were both weighed with only a dry diaper on and both weighed in at 11 lbs. 4 ozs. Can you belive it? They've more than doubled their birth weight in just two months. I was so proud to hear that!

Spencer is progressing in motor skills quite well. Meadow is still a little behind, but that's to be expected because she was a preemie. Spencer is a bit further advanced in his neck muscles becaus ehe was in teh NICU in an isolette and was constantly picking his head up. Meadow never did. So I was told to start lying her on her belly a little more often so she can work those muscles.

It was explained to me that when someone has a preemie, or in my case, preemies, they get two ages. One is their birth age. The other is the age that they are developmentally. Oddly enough, Spencer is developmentally where he should be. But is a little under when it comes to his size. He's a bit short and stocky. Meadow is a bit developmentally behind, but is normal in the growing. I'm not stressing over it though. They've both ocme so much further than I could have dared to hope.

I so love being a Momma. There isn't much about it that ever gets me down. I have even grown more accustomed to the late night feedings. Shawn commented on it yesterday. But like I told him, now that I am back to work, I actually look forward to the late night wee hour feedings. Those are the only times where I have the twins all to myself. It's our time together to coo at one another and just be.

And there is something to be said to wake up to crying babies, only to peer over their crib edge and look into their faces. To watch them slop crying and smiling the minute they look up at me, and to know that those smiles are all mine!

Well, it's after 2 a.m. now and it won't be long before the Diva and Spencer are awake again for a feeding. So I think I am going to enjoy these last few moments before i have to go into Momma mode again.

Thanks for tuning in!



Yesterday's Diapers & Powder Fresh

birthday news and more - 2007-07-08
Happy Irish Day! - 2007-03-18
All is going well - 2007-02-23
Trying to stay sane - 2007-02-04
Merry Christmas - 2006-12-22