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"You were born together and together you shall be forevermore...
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."

dud weekend
11:08 p.m. & 2006-08-27

Wow, this site is truly looking amazing. I get excited everytime I am able to pop on line and look at it. I just wish that Shawn would figure out why when I sign on to AOHell that my connection won't stay stable. I get booted every few minutes which has left me using microsoft word pad to type up my diary entry and then will cut and paste it onto D'Land when I am done. I have had to resort to this after losing three almost complete entries. It's rather frustrating!

This weekend was pretty much a dud. With the twins sick, I too ended up with whatever bug got it's grasp on them. So we three have all been sleepig off and on all day. I did manage to get out to the grill and made my famous "drunk chicken," also known as beer can chicken. I also made brats and cheeseburgers. And I boiled up the corn on the cob that I got at a roadside stand... man was it delicious! Unfortunately, whatever this bug is that has got into my body has made it near impossible for me to tolerate food right nwo so I was unable to eat very much of anything all day.

I wasn't as productive as I had hoped either. I had plans to finish the housework when the twins were napping. But I never did get much done other than dinner and the dishes. I need to get into the twins room and go through their drawers. They have outgrown a lot of their clothes, and I have inherited a lot of clothing from friends and family that I need to sort through and get into their drawers. I may still do that in a little bit seeing as how I slept throughout the day. I was also planning to shampoo the carpets andf the furniture, but it looks like that will have to be a project for next weekend now. Shawn was slightly more productive today. He was able to get the lawn mowed. It really needed it after all the rain we've been getting.

The twins seem to be feeling better today. Their fevers have broken and they are far from dehydrated. Miss Meadow has progressed to drinking 6 ounces in her bubby now, but Spence can still only eats 4 ounces. I think that is the reason that our little diva has the ability to sleep through the night but her brother doesn't. We have been thinking that she might, but have been to scared to test the theory as we didn't want to feed him and just get back to sleep only to have her wake up wanting her bubby. But the other night, Shawn happened to be awake at 2:30 a.m. when Spence awoke and he was able to get Spence and feed him before he woke his sister. You see, Meadow is always awakened by her screaming and flailing brother when he awakes for a feeding. We usually wake to find him boxing her amidst his flailing for attention. So the other night, when Shawn fed Spencer- he said Spence was wide awake. So instead if putting him back to bed, he put him in his bouncy chair next to where he went to sleep on the couch. I awoke to Meadow cooing at 7 a.m. and panicked when Spence was missing. I swear to you, I looked all around thinking I had fallen asleep feeding him and that I might of dropped him on the floor or something. You can imagine my relief when I found father and son asleep in the living room just as peaceful as could be. Hopefully, one day soon, both babies will be sleeping through the night.

Well, maybe not hopefully. I think this Momma may actually miss the wee hour feedings and cuddle sessions with my twins as insane as that may sound. People are forever exclaiming how busy and how my hands must be full all the time and what hard work it must be to have twins. But you know, it's not hard or hectic at all. I think if people actually knew how easy I have it- they'd be wishing they were as lucky as I am. You see, the twins do everything in tandem. When one eats, so does the other. When one gets a diaper change, so does their twin. They sleep at the same time so I am able to sleep when they do. I am very strict about their schedules and make sure that everyone keeps them on it. I think it laso helps that I had twins right from the get go so I have nothing to compare it to. I think when we have our next child, if we aren't fortunate enough to have another set of twins (Yes, I really would like one more set!) it will seem like a cake walk after having had the twins.

I think that Shawn and I have done exceptionally well, not to brag or anything. But we make a great team. That's just one of the many gazillion reasons that I love him so.

Well, I think I will post this entry and go try to get something done before the twins and I head to bed for the night. Unfortunately, Shawn's at work. He picked up a shift tonight for the over time. Thanks for tuning in!



Yesterday's Diapers & Powder Fresh

birthday news and more - 2007-07-08
Happy Irish Day! - 2007-03-18
All is going well - 2007-02-23
Trying to stay sane - 2007-02-04
Merry Christmas - 2006-12-22