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"You were born together and together you shall be forevermore...
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."

Mommy Brain
2:11 a.m. & 2006-09-19

I know that it's been far too long since my last update. My apologies. Things around here have been crazy busy. We've been working overtime , dealing with sick babies, a sick Momma and trying to be at all kind of appointments. I've been running ragged for a couple of weeks now, but I am managing. I'm not complaining. I haven't been able to make the time to get on line and update. But I promised myself that tonight, I would make the time. Right now, Shawn is taking advantage of the down time doing some guy thing in his "guy room." Meadow is asleep in her bouncy chair and Spencer has exhausted himself playing beneath his jungle gym and fell asleep. So here I am...

The twins got their first round of shots finally two weeks ago Friday. It was quite a doctor's visit. I think the nurse had quite a knack for consoling the bawling baby. That would be me, not the twins. LOL! I cried harder than either of them did. Miss Meadow started crying right from the first poke. She went into full blown wails by the second and I joined her in hyperventilating for her third shot. Now Mister Spencer, he took it like a trooper! He gave the nurse "the look" with the 1st shot. Started to pout on the 2nd. cried for the 3rd. And they both went to sleep about 5 minutes afterward. Poor Momma was a basket case for the rest of the day though.

The twins took on fevers as can happen after shots, and then they got sick. Nasty colds. Which of course, Momma got. And still has. Now Spencer seems to be a bit congested again. Ugh. Poor babies. And poor Momma!

Well, I think I finally got my Mommy-Brain. That's the brain that's shuts down to anything excpet feedings, diaper changings and baby talks. The brain that's all clouded with lack of sleep and yet still manages to cook, clean and function. Almost to it's full capabilities. Some days, I feel like the walking dead. But I am so not complaining. Just expressing. It's amazing how much my once somewhat intelligent brain has turned to pure mush! Instead of reading novels and thinking poetic thoughts, I now rattle off nursery rhymes and childrens poetry in my head.

And they're teething! ACK! I think Meadow is more so than Spencer. But the doctor confirmed it. And he always passed on the not so delightful news that since they are teething so soon, that it could last awhile as it may take a month to three motnhs before their first tooth breaks through. Have mercy!

Meadow is quite the little piggy. We lovingly refer to her as porkchop. We lovingly refer to her big brother as meatball. She up to 5 or 6 ounces at a time now whereas Spencer still eats only 4 and occasionally 5. And because Meadow eats more, she is able to sleep through the night where he still wakes for a feeding. If I don't get to him right away though, he wakes her and I end up having to feed her too.

They're growing so much so fast! I think keeping them clothed is going to be quite a chore. They went from wearing doll sized clothes straight to 3 months. Now they're in 3-6 months in some items! And they're in size 2 diapers. It's all going so fast. Sometimes it feels like they're growing too fast! I keep trying to enjoy every moment. I fear that I might miss out on something important if I don'tpay attention to them every second I'm around. And when I am at work- I worry that I am missing something they might do while I am away. Like their first word or something. I just keep consoling myself that I work to provide the luxuries for them that I didn't have growing up. That's what gets me through the work day!

They truly are the greatest loves of my life. Each moment with them is treasured and a blessing I hope to never take for granted. And if I ever do, I hope someone has the sense to knock the sense back into me. But I dont see that happening anytime soon!

Like the other night, I held spencer in my lap propped up against my knees. I was talking to him and cooing and he was cooing and smiling back at me. And all of a sudden, his eyes found mine and they lit up like he really recognised me and he slowly reached up and touched his tiny little hand to my cheek and he smiled so big... and I cried. My "mommy-brain" seared that image into my head forever.

Hopefully, one day soon I will get the camcorder that I have been eyeing so that I can record those precious moments. But until then, I'm taking all of those precious moments and etching them into memory.

I love being a Momma. It's a joy I wish every woman could experience that wants to. It breaks my heart that there are women out there who want kids but can't have them for one reason or another. After all, I was one of those women for years. Until one day, God answered my prayer with a double blessing.

It's in a word: Amazing!

Thanks for tuning in!


Yesterday's Diapers & Powder Fresh

birthday news and more - 2007-07-08
Happy Irish Day! - 2007-03-18
All is going well - 2007-02-23
Trying to stay sane - 2007-02-04
Merry Christmas - 2006-12-22