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"You were born together and together you shall be forevermore...
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."

I'm back!
7:20 a.m. & 2006-10-12

It's been far too long since I have updated on the twins... I beg forgiveness. We have been without internet and a land line phone for awhile. Talk about being cut off from the world! I have almost forgotten what it was like befor internet... ugh. I'm so glad to have it back. It'll just take me forever to get caught back up on e-mails and updates now. LOL!

The twins are growing by leaps and bounds. I wish I knew whyat they weighed now, but I am willing to wager that they have gone to the 15 pound mark or there about. Meadow is quite the little chunker. Her Dad lovingly refers to her as his little porkchop and Spencer although chunky, is more short and stocky than anything. I refer lovingly to him as my meatball. They are both such happy babies and good mannered.

Meadow seems to pick up any sniffle, cough, cold or bug that gets anywhere within a 2 mile radius of her. The doctor tells us that with the twins having been preemies that we can expect this for at least a year. Right now, Meadow is fighting a nasty head cold. Thank God for infant cold medicine and vicks. Spencer almost rarely gets sick. But with him, he has stubborn bowels and just recently we have had to resort to infant suppositories to get his plumbing working properly.

Their motor skills are really picking up. They both reach for things and can hold things. Meadow is getting good at manipulating objects to and from her mouth. She loves taking her binkie out of her mouth just to play with it and insert it again. Spencer could care less about the binkies. He's definately a t.v. baby. And he has taken to Rachael Ray's new day time talk show. I think it's because she's a bit louder and more animated than most.

The twins have definately taken on personalities all of their own. Meadow is more hands on. She loves to be held and just talked to. She's not big on being ounced around or what not whereas her brother loves to be bounced, tosses playfully (but carefuly) into the air. And he is content to be alone and just observe the goings on around him. And where he has found the television, Meadow has quite taken to the ceiling fan. She loves to just sit and watch it in action.

They are both doing so well. It's hard to believe they're almost 4 months old now. I am really getting excited that their first halloween is just around the corner. They already have their costumes. Meadow will be a Winnie-the-Pooh sunflower and Spencer is going to be a bumble bee. Both costumes were given to me and I thought that it was perfect that they go together as they came from different people. They're too young yet to trick-or-treat. But they're not too young for me to dress them up and show off my beautiful babies. This year, the upcoming holidays are more for their Momma's enjoyment than they are for the twins.

Ahh, how I love being a Momma. Thanks for tuning in and I promise more frequent updates to come!


Yesterday's Diapers & Powder Fresh

birthday news and more - 2007-07-08
Happy Irish Day! - 2007-03-18
All is going well - 2007-02-23
Trying to stay sane - 2007-02-04
Merry Christmas - 2006-12-22