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"You were born together and together you shall be forevermore...
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you."

Feeling blessed
2:34 p.m. & 2006-10-22

Greetings and Salutations!

I am indulging in a little bit of free time as I have yet to catch up on e-mails. (I know, I'm terrible) And I thought that I would also take the time to get another update in. My computer is in the living room, you see... and it seems to be the very first thing that gets piled up, buried and barricaded in these days. And I end up either too tired at the end of the day or just plain too lazy to dig through the mess to even sit down and try to relax. Why is it that when a person wants to relax- it seems like you have to do so? I mean, is it just me? I'm willing to bet taht's it's that way for most parents. Well, most parents like me who lack in the organizational skills that would allow them to relax stress free without having to work for it. My organizational skills goes as far as knowing which bouncy chair the binkie was last seen in so therefore we can narrow it's location down to one zone of the room. Or a certain outfit was in the laod that I washed, dryed and dumped on the kitchen table... or was it in the crib? (One of those anyways!) And when all else fails, look under the couch. And when that fails me? Can we afford to just buy another one? LOL! I know it sounds crazy, but I am beyond disorganized. For what it is worth, I do try. I can actually get things pretty organized even for me. But keeping it that way? Heh, fuhgettaboutit.

Well, I was almost right. We had to take Meadow in to the doctor because her cold seemed to get progressively worse. It turns out that she had a double ear infection also. That came as a shock to me since she never tugged at her ears or became insanely cranky or anything. But they weighed both of them for me as I was curious. Meadow weighed in at 14 lbs. and 12 ozs. Spencer was 13 lbs. and 12 ozs. So they're definately growing. Meadow is huge to us. She feels hefty and she's getting rather long. Whereas Spencer still feels feather light (at least afetr holding sis) and is still somewhat on the short side. They're both learning to laugh aloud and they are adorable to get going. their laughs are each unique and both have developed a little squeal that melts my heart to hear. They're cooing a lot and they "talk" to us. I think they both might have a touch of their Momma's "motor mouth" syndrome.

Meadow still needs to strengthen her neck muscles. Her brother came home from the hospital practically holding his head up. So he's had no issues there, but Meadow still has a droppy head. I've been sitting her up a lot trying to see if that helps. I'm not sure what you're supposed to do to strengthen their necks. It almost seems like her head is too heavy for her and if we're not careful, it can cause her to lunge forward or backward. So I have to prop her up with a blanket when she's in her bouncy disc chair thing. Hopefully, her neck will strengthen soon. Right now, they are both in their bouncy walker style chair things. Hers is like a round disc where it bounces up and down, it can swivel and it has a tray around the whole thing with toys. She just loves the rattles and leans into them and goes to town. His bouncy walker chair thing is in the shape of a car and he just adores it. He loves to bounce and he really gets it going. They are currently side by side in front of teh big screen T.V. and they are joining their Dad in watching the Lions game.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but the twins have started eating food now. They're currently on rice cereal usually mixed in with their bubbies. (for those not understanding my "mommy-speak" that means their bottles) When I decide to make it stiffer so that they can eat it from a spoon, I will mix in some fruits like bananas or prunes sometimes applesauce. Whatever I have on hand as they tend to not like the cereal so much when it's not in a bubbie all runny like. They are really hilarious to watch eat. They both make faces like they absolutely hate the food... and yet the minute the spoon is close to their mouth, their hand grabs for it, their mouth opens up and they try to force me to shovel it in a bit faster!

Our little drama queen had her first temper tantrum the other night. man, did we get a good laugh! Dad was holding her in his lap while I wa sin the kitchen making the bubbies. I hear her squealing aloud with laughter, then came a loud grunt like she might be quite constipated, then came this ungodly awful scream followed by crying. And then the cycle started right back up with the laughter. Shawn laughed and made me come see what she was doing. (As if the scream hadn't gotten me panicked enough to come see what torture he was performing?) Sure enough, it was the most animated temper tantrum I had yet to see. Complete with a red face during the grint, bawled up and fists that shook when she screamed and a lower lip that rolled itself out to go with the puppy dog eyes when she cried. And then, the award winning angellic smile when the cycle started back up and she laughed. I think one day, we might be privy to see my daughter on some prime time sitcom acting her little heart out and making millions. Oh yes, she's that good. Spencer doesn't have tantrums... yet. I'm hoping he doesn't ever take to them. In fact, he gets rather annoyed with his sister when she has them. And I have even caught him getting frustrated with her when she does. One morning not that long ago, they were in their crib together and I awoke to Meado crying. She started her temper tantrum routine so I laid there watching. (It's so cute tho! Okay, I'm horrible, I know!) Spencer kept turnign to look at her and would start jabbering at her. Apparently he didn't like that she didn't calm down because he literally kicked his sister! A few minutes went by and he did the same thing, jabbered and then kicked her. Man, did I laugh. So I got the twins up and we started our day.

Each new day brings new discoveries, added blessings and tons of laughs. It's not always sunshine and roses though. I have my meltdown moments where I have to walk away for a moment and have a good cry or go pull out a patch of hair. Every Mom does I'm told. But all of the good things by far, out weigh the bad. And when things like finances get me down... I just have to try to remember that I can only do what I can do with what I have. Sooner or later, it will all work out in the end. But worrying about it isn't doing me, Shawn or our babies any good. If anything, it just makes things worse. So I am trying to make more of a conscious effirt to just concentrate and focus on the happier joy filled things in life... and for once in my life, I'm not blind. I'm actually smart enough to see them all sitting right here by me.



P.S. I would like to ask that you all maybe send out a special prayer for some friends of mine. You see, their son Drew who is 9 months old is in a hospital out of town. He had taken ill and had been misdiagnosed a few times when come to find out he has a form of leukemia that is very rare in children. He has undergone extensive chemo treatments and God knows what else. Please pray for Drew and his family. I can only imagine what they're all going through. Thank You!

Yesterday's Diapers & Powder Fresh

birthday news and more - 2007-07-08
Happy Irish Day! - 2007-03-18
All is going well - 2007-02-23
Trying to stay sane - 2007-02-04
Merry Christmas - 2006-12-22